NC Municipal Elections, November 5th, 2019
Many municipalities (cities, towns, and villages) across North Carolina will hold elections for mayor, city council, aldermen, and other offices on November 5th. Most of these elections are non-partisan, but those for Charlotte and Sanford are partisan.
Some offices up for election don't seem to pertain to a municipality but rather to a county. This map represents those offices on the Countyish layer. Counties without any countyish-level offices up for election are not shown.
The outlines for municipalites may not necessarily perfectly represent the boundaries controling whether a voter is qualified to vote for a town's municipal offices. Check your registration information and applicable sample ballots on the NCSBE website to verify whether you are qualified to vote in this election or not.
Early Voting
During early voting you can vote at any early voting site ("one-stop site") in the county in which you are registered. You can also register to vote at an early voting site if you are not registered, as long as you bring certain proof-of-residence documentation.
To vote on election day, you must vote at the polling place for your precinct/VTD of residence. The name and address of your election day polling place is among the information provided when you look up your voter information. You can also look up polling place by address.
Voter ID?
It's not part of the process until 2020.
Election Incidents
If something inappropriate occurs, report it.
The colors mean nothing.
- Candidates: NCSBE Candidate Listing File
- One-stop (early voting) sites: NCSBE early voting site lookup
- Election-Day Polling Places: NCSBE Polling Place Lookup
- Municipality Borders: US Census Bureau
- County Borders: US Census Bureau