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Districts and Candidates for the November 5th Elections in VA

On November 5th 2019 all 100 seats in the House of Delegates and all 40 seats in the Virginia Senate are up for election, along with county/city offices such as board of supervisors and school board and Soil and Water Conservation District offices.

Polling Places

A registered Virginia voter can look up their polling place online.

An unregistered non-voter can register to vote online, in person, or by mail.

Links to Campaign Websites

Candidates' campaign websites are included as a hyperlink on the candidate's name for those candidates whose campaign website addresses were provided in the candidate listing from the VA Dept. of Elections (Candidates by Office - Statewide and Local (.xlsx)). Instead of copying those links directly, around 20% were either ignored as invalid URLS, modified into valid URLs or modified to correct typos, modified by substituting what appears to be the candidate's real campaign site in some cases where the provided URL went to something other than a campaign website, or ignored when the URL didn't go to a campaign website but no relevant substitute could be found.


The colors mean nothing.
